Fencing Equipment Care
***As with any sporting equipment, the most important rule is to follow the manufacturer’s care instructions! ***
- Never store uniforms--especially sweaty uniforms--in your fencing bag. This can lead to rusty blades and rust stains on your uniform.
- Some rust on blades is normal and they can be scoured with a green ScotchBrite pad (take care not to rub the insulation off the wire of electric weapons) and lightly lubricated with oil or petroleum jelly.
- For electric weapons, a sheath of PEX tubing or PVC pipe will help protect the wire and tip from damage when not in use.
- Ensure that tip screws are tight.
- Periodic disassembly of the tip and cleaning of the barrel and point with rubbing alcohol and a cotton swab will remove debris that can accumulate during normal use. This will help ensure that the circuit functions properly.
- Use only gaffer’s tape for the foil tip insulation, such as Pro-Gaff or Tesa. Other types of tape can cause excessive buildup and transfer adhesives into the tip of the weapon, resulting in a malfunction.
- Periodically inspect the socket to ensure that the contact screws are tight. Tighten the grip as necessary using a 6mm allen wrench or “outside nut” socket wrench, depending on the style of pommel nut you have.
Body/Mask Cords:
- Wind them up neatly and without kinks or tight bends. Do not attach the alligator clip back to the wire as this can damage the wire--just leave it loose. Sam Signorelli method
- Inspect them regularly for damage.
- Inspect and tighten loose screws as needed.
- We recommend storing cords in a separate bag or container to keep them from becoming entangled with and damaged by other equipment in your fencing bag.
- Remove from your fencing bag after every use. Wipe down with a moist rag.
- If the mask has removable padding, wash it per manufacturer’s instructions.
- Masks can periodically be washed by submerging them in a laundry tub and using a small amount of gentle detergent. Be sure they are rinsed thoroughly and allowed to dry fully before using.
- Wash per manufacturer’s directions. Washing after every use is good practice and will not harm the clothing. Generally use warm water, gentle cycle and gentle detergent, such as Woolite. Extra sweaty/stinky uniforms can be periodically soaked in an enzyme cleaner made for clothing, such as this one.
- HANG TO DRY AND DO NOT USE BLEACH! Fencing uniforms are designed for puncture resistance; bleach and machine drying can reduce the protective qualities of the fabric.
- Always remove your uniform from your fencing bag after class and wash it or hang it to dry. Do not store sweaty unforms in your fencing bag.
- Hang to dry after every use. Do not store lamés in your fencing bag.
- Rinse monthly in the shower and hang to dry.
- Can also be hand washed with a capful of Woolite and a capful of Windex in a water-filled wash tub to help remove corrosion (this is most common with copper lamés as opposed to stainless steel). Be sure to rinse well and hang to dry after washing. Sam Signorelli method